The Adventures of Gemma

So the other day, Zoya Nail Polish posted on facebook and twitter that it was 'Bring your Zoya Nail Polish to Work' day. I decided to participate, and document Gemma's day at the office (and the aftermath) Check it out! :)

To start off her day with me at work, Gemma decided to help out. Here Gemma is totally helping me out by doing some stapling.

She helped cut some stuff up for me too.

She DID have some issues with the tape though.

Not cool, Gemma, not cool.

She's a great little note-taker, too.

Lunch time! Gemma is totally ready to go outside in the Vegas sun!!

On the way to lunch, Gemma took over my car radio and made me listen to her favorite song. (Yeah.... NKOTB)

After lunch, Gemma wanted to try her hand at photographing some nail polish swatches!

Gemma totally forgot her facial waxing appoint this week. What's a polish to do?!

Gemma decided to go for a walk while holding hands with her 'buddy' Domo on her break.

She took it off-road when nature decided to 'call'.

Next, Gemma decided to help me out with some typing that needed to get done.

Too bad she stopped a few keystrokes in because she was hungry...

Gemma decided to show me her skincare regimen...she definitely understands that moisturizing is key.

Now she's just showing off. 'Look! no hands!'

Come on in, the water's fine!

Gemma really wanted to do some nail art on me...

Bedtime!! All the work and excitement wore Gemma out! Goodnight!!

I hope you enjoyed the 'Adventures of Gemma' as much as I did!! :)


  1. this is so cute. wow. I loved reading it :)!

  2. This is awesome.Just that!
    Gemma and you rock!

  3. I was laughing the whole way through! Gemma had a great day lol.

  4. Haha! This is great, I really enjoyed it :)

  5. Hahahaha! I hope you sent a link to Zoya- that is adorable!

  6. This is so adorable! It made my day!

    I also started my own nail blog to share my manis. I have to say that your 365 project really inspired me. Thank you!

  7. I have been reading your blog for a long time but never comment (I know, slacker). But this story was too good to pass up! I loved the idea and Gemma was really cute with her hands.

  8. Hahahahaha, I absolutely love this!!!

  9. Well this was just cute and totally made my day. :)

  10. hahah! i love you so much, this was awesome

  11. Awe, that was just adorable! Thanks for sharing!

  12. Haha I enjoyed this post a lot! Gemma is so cute :)

  13. amazing! thanks for making me laugh!

  14. That was adorable!! And i have to have that color, i saw the swatch when i got my 3 free zoyas! Maybe Gemma can help me as much as she helped you!

  15. This is amazing.
    You're too funny

  16. OMG, I was checking twitter all day long just to see another twitpic of Gemma! It was really amazing, so cute and funny!!

  17. Too cute! I love it. Gemma's gonna be my new BFF. NKOTB is my absolute favorite and Green is my favorite color. LOL I think I'm going to have to get a bottle of Gemma for myself. Thanks for sharing Gemma's day at the office : )

  18. ahhh what a cute post! my fave is the nature call :)

  19. i'm glad you posted this because i could only keep up with her for so long, i only saw like half of those! i feel like such a dork cause i enjoyed too much!

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Very creative and adorable. My favorites were Gemma drinking your Pepsi, her mustache, & her buddy Domo XD

  22. I wouldn't allow even my favorite polish to get away with stealing my Pepsi Throwback. That's an acetoneing offense.

  23. I followed Gemma's exploits that whole day on Twitter. Melissa, you're a hoot ;-) I figured this post could get away with a cornball comment...

  24. Haha, that's adorable! Great post! :D

  25. Ridiculously funny...thanks for the laugh! And I love the colors kickin' it in the hot tub...need to check those out!

  26. Well, that was the cutest thing ever!

  27. You're a riot!!! :) That was a hilarious read!

    Thanks for the giggles

  28. Oh my gosh. I found that to be ridiculously cute! Loved it ;)

  29. That is the funniest thing I ever saw. Honestly it was so cute:)

  30. Your coworkers must have thought you were nuts. Awesome! Gemma is easily my favorite from the Intimate collection. Nice to know she's a fun work assistant, too!

  31. I love it! I already adored Gemma and now I´m a member of its fan club.

  32. I really did not get the whole "Take your nail polish to work" day, but clearly you did and took full advantage. This was brilliant!

  33. I love your creativity!! This is definitely the best "take your Zoya to work day" I've seen!

  34. lmfao! I knew Gemma would have a cool personality XD

  35. Aww, Gemma's day was so fun to read about! Cute idea! I have to ask though, why doesn't Gemma have an awesome Melissa mani?! ;P

  36. BAHAHAHAHHA this is the funniest thing ever! when we got our hellow kitty ninja and pirate keychains we did a similar photo stream - btu it's always fresh! Love this!

  37. This was so corny....I LOVED IT!!!!!!!!!!! hahaha!!!!

    Gemma and I share a taste in music! I love NKOTB!

    You are so creative :D

  38. This is the cutest post I've seen for a long time :) You made my day with this post :) I hope you keep doing her adventures :P

  39. Thank you for making me smile!! You are so creative! =D

  40. eheuaeahu
    I love her ((:
    so cute... keep taking photos of her... ((:

  41. Very cute! Thanks for the laugh =]

  42. rsrs
    Sou do Brasil, também tenho um blog de nail art.

  43. hahaha, really creative, well done!

  44. OK, this was the funniest thing I've read in a while =D

  45. This is so adorable! I was struck by the thought of what a "normal" person would think if they saw you taking a picture of the polish in bed. Or in any of Gemma's escapades. They'd think you were totally nuts, haha! I love it.

  46. You're a genius!!AMAZING!
    and gemma is soooooo cute *_*

  47. LOL sooooo cute! Im all smiles now!

  48. Great post! I?m just starting out in community management/marketing media and trying to learn how to do it well - resources like this article are incredibly helpful. As our company is based in the US, it?s all a bit new to us. The example above is something that I worry about as well, how to show your own genuine enthusiasm and share the fact that your product is useful in that case. holiday forum new year 2012

  49. I love the picture with mister Domo! it looks awesome!


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