Rusty Nail

Sorry, this isn't the Rusty Nail of the Drambuie and Scotch variety, or the kind that gives you tetanus, it's definitely the nail polish variety. :) I've always loved the look of rusty metal (unless it's on my car or a rollercoaster :)) and I've had this idea in my nail art idea notebook for a while now. I've always wanted to paint my walls with that paint that rusts, it looks rad. You paint the wall with this black primer, which had iron particles in it, then apply this solvent, and the whole wall transforms into every color of rust imaginable, it's pretty damn cool looking. I wonder how long it takes the solvent to do its job?  

Anyway, I give you rusted nails. :)

I used Zoya Loredana as a base, with sponged rust consisting of H&M Rust (meant to be!), Barielle Coco Bar, and Finger Paints Cordur-Orange.  Sponged some Essie Matte About You over the rusted bits so they would still have texture, but wouldn't be shiny. 


  1. I never thought about sponging with a matte topcoat... GENIUS! The texture on this mani is awesome!

  2. damn those are some rusty nails! love this!

  3. That is the most unique nail look I think I've ever seen, and you managed to truly make that look like rusted metal. Really great work!

  4. It really does look like some rusty nails, dude!

  5. This is awesome! I love how you always have unconventional manis! Can't wait to see what's next!

  6. Looks like rust, but elegant rust - I feel like this would be a cool design to rock anywhere!

  7. Holy crap, these are AMAZING! & I need to look into this rust paint--I would LOVE it for my upstairs hallway!

  8. crazy awesome! i was just thinking about doing a rusted mani and then i see this! you did way better than i could have even imagined doing mine!

  9. Oh dang, it really does look like rust! Great job!

  10. Oooooo so cool!! Very creative idea!(:

  11. These nails gave me an awesome idea... give my Helmer a rust look :D! Maybe I'll try it someday <3.

  12. Very cool! The texture looks awesome.

  13. so realistic - makes you want to sand them off :)

  14. this is awesome! very original and fab!

  15. Omg, this is soooo cool :) Love the idea ! Really unique .

    Great job!

    Beauties Factory UK

  16. AKA ReaderRita
    Super cool- the texture fairly jumps out! Plus, I am really loving the color combo of charcoal/rust... but I simply MUST start thinking Spring again, and fast!

  17. Hi, I was just curious~ this rust paint your talking about, do you know where to find it or what it's called? Or maybe what company makes it? I tried googling everything I can think of to find it, but it's not comming up, and it sounds super cool! btw your nails are awesome : ) <3 shawnna

  18. How do you come up with this stuff?! This is so cool!

  19. This is blowing my mind! It looks so amazing and totally original! I don't have but 1 of the things you used - so I will be going through what I do have to see if I can come up with anything that even slightly resembles this! Brilliant!

  20. Goooood work... i love it! very nice!! :-)

  21. Georgia is my typeface <3

  22. awesome article... may help me a whole lot,it is Exactly what I had been looking for! Cheers.

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